WAMP (WampServer) is a Web development platform consists of Apache, MySQL and PHP. WAMP (WampServer) allows you to create dynamic Web applications on Windows with Apache2, PHP, MySQL and MariaDB. Localhost:8888/MAMP/ or this: localhost:80/MAMP/ Thread Starter markwise54 (@markwise54) 9 months, 1 week ago. The servers are currently up: green lights on Apache and MySQL and Red Light on Cloud. Those two addresses (localhost:8888/MAMP and localhost:80/MAMP) bring me to MAMP and then from MAMP, I click “My Website” and I get the 500. MAMPでlocalhostの接続が拒否されました。 解決方法 ・ バーチャルホスト、hostsの設定はしていないのでMAMPポート番号は初期設定の状態にしました。 ( 初期設定 Apache Port ・ Nginx Portは8888、 MySQL Portは8889 ).
Typing localhost:8888 into my Chrome browser gives me a listing of all of my WordPress sites in my htdocs folder. However when I click on the link for any of the sites, I get the “Error establishing a database connection” message. This is true for any of the links in the listing. This is a new problem for me
Possibly the database server process (mySQL) is not running. Does the task manager show it running ? Do your website error and log files say anything, like we know there is an error, but what kind of error ?
Can MAMP support help ?Is MAMP running? Have you updated anything? On a Mac?
- The topic ‘MAMP localhost cannot connect to database’ is closed to new replies.
Hi Guys,
Localhost:8888/test.php と入力してください。 そして、以下の画像のように、 「 PHPの動作テストです 」と表示されれば正しく動作しています! これで、MAMPの起動&PHPの動作確認は終わりです。 WordPressとは. Login to server. Information Value; Web Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm).
I need help, I just got a macbook with OS X mountain lion. and then after I installed MAMP Stack (got it from the app store) for some reason localhost isn't working when I type it in the address bar on the browser. the only way to access the root directory is ' '
Mac os automatic updates. is there a way to enable 'localhost'?
thanks in advance
you can use XAMPP, i find it better than MAMP.
In Xampp you can do the localhost, or even change the same to yourname/folder/ Mac mini memory upgrade 2020.
I would recommend not using MAMP and just setting up the stack manually. Here is a great guide. Here is another.
I would suggest having a read through the various configuration files for Apache you'll find in /etc/Apache2 & /etc/Apache2/extra as you can tailor its behaviour.
thanks for the feedback guys. I really appreciate it :)
Michael - Any particular reason why you want to type the word localhost
rather than it's IP address? Macos mojave virtualbox.
Can you access it like this?
It sounds like MAMP is just running on port 8888. I cover how to run it over port 80 in my PHP installation video:
Thanks Randy! I totally missed that one. anyway, everything's working now.thanks again.
Mamp Localhost 8888 -
James - I guess I just got used to typing 'localhost'. lol also for some reason the MAMP stack by bitnami doesn't allow me to use port 80, says a program is using that port. I'm not sure what's up with that.
Hi Michael,
Can you share how you resolved this? I'm having the same issue and the Wordpress site I'm working on uses localhost in the path so it's breaks the site when I view it from
Localhost 8888 Mamp Index
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