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Gottfried Hofmann from the BlenderDiplom looks at using Blender’s new Remesh Modifier for creating animations where objects will disintegrate or reintegrate using Blender 2.62 or newer. Check out the tutorial for Creating and Disintegrating Objects in Blender using the ReMesh Modifier here. DynRemesh 2.5.2 for Blender 2.8 Free. DynRemesh 2.5.2 for Blender 2.8 Content Details can be found below by pressing the View Detail Content Button.Grafixfather.com Is a Free Graphics Content Provider Website Which Helps Beginner Graphics Designers As Well As Free-Lancers who need some stuff Like Major Categories Tutorials, Magazines, Design Books, Manuals, Templates, Software Tools From.
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Add a Remesh modifier, make sure Voxel mode is active and set the Voxel Size to a detail level you like. Using the default Suzanne dimensions, I set the Voxel Size to 0.007. To soften the artifacts caused by the voxel remeshing, add a Smooth Corrective modifier, check Only Smooth, set the Smooth Type to Length Weight and adjust the Repeat value. Developer musings on Blender.
Having learned retopology was great. Except I how hard it can be to do retopology. Then in this latest release of blender I find out it has remesh modifier. Was it there the whole time? I don't know.
So how is it? Is it get enough to call it retopology. Can I use remesh and call it done?
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Quad Remesher Blender
- edited May 2018
The remesh modifier has existed since version 2.62:
https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Ref/Release_Notes/2.62/Remesh_ModifierI would not use it for deform-able meshes such as characters. At least not without further manual tweaking applied afterwards.
I will certainly be testing it out and see what type of topology it makes. What I am hoping is I can do just what you said, tweak it and then done.
This is a good read about 3D modeling for games using Blender: What To Know When Creating Next Gen Assets
very good tutorial on modern game assets. I save the page to keep.
The remesh modifier makes 'correct' topology, but it often isn't optimal for the situation. It's more akin to decomposing the mesh into voxels and then running a meshing algorithm. My experience has either been that it loses detail or that it outputs things with way to high polygon count for a game.
If you do manual retopo, then you end up with lower poly-count, higher detail meshes than the remesh modifier. However, manual retopo is very time consuming.....
manual retopology is the only way right now. I was thinking about trying to make a duplicate of my high res model, then remesh one of them, then use shrink wrap. I then can alter the remeshed model to make it right. I haven't tried it yet.
That could work, though sometimes decimate modifier with un-subdivide can give better results.
I gave it a try with my fish model. It failed! This will not work. I might play aroiund with the decimate mod and un-subdivide.
The fish was sculpted with dynatopo? If so then no wonder: That is one of the cases where there is no topology to un-subdivide.
The fish was horrible. I am going to delete it and work on a different project.
Why? didn't seem that bad to me. With a good texture and material setup could have looked really good IMO.
The reason is the surface. They way I sculpted it makes it hard for me to create topology. The edges are too round and dull, and also choppy. I will try to fix that in another project.
The problem is not with the sculpt. You just need to practice poly/topological modeling then.
That might be what I am lacking. I moved straight into sculpting and avoided the mathematical approach to modeling. I tried modeling that way when it was main stream, but failed, highly discouraged. Now that sculpting is here, I am motivated to acquire 3d modeling.
- edited May 2018
It's really not that hard either, practice makes perfect and practice just takes time. You've just got to understand that it's not that different from sculpting. Lets put it this way: the tools might be more technical, but then the tools shouldn't be the (early) focus.
You can succeed in box modeling with nothing more than:
- element dissolve,
- subdivide elements,
- slide elements,
- inset/extrude,
- bevel.
That is not a lot of tools.
However when I say that you have to understand it is not that different from sculpting I do very much mean you start blocking in rough shapes.Details come later.
A classic example borrowed from cgtalk:
Another example of box modeling:
http://www.rockfarm.ca/showcase/FigureBody.htmlPoly by poly is a good choice for retopo, but I'd say box modeling is a better way to learn anatomy and topology.
Which brings us to our final - last but not least - point: Get some anatomy books, good reference is hard to come by. The books can be expensive but they are SO worth it.
Thank you for the information. I do have some figure drawing books, and a book on anatomy that I've been studying. However I plan on expanding my library on the subject after reading your post.
Looking at box modeling in a sculpting way makes it much easier to understand, that is a new idea for me.
Today I need to try and fix a leaky roof. Don't know if I am going to get it fixed. If I can't, I am risking electrical shock, and lost computer set. I think great stuff might work.